(Translated by Google)
It was my first time using the Narumiya style serious diet and I was a little nervous, but I was able to receive the treatment with confidence as they listened carefully to my physical condition and the doctors were cheerful and kind. I am very happy that the pain of my menstrual cramps has been significantly reduced, and that the results have been surprisingly effective for me, making my daily life easier. -
(Translated by Google)
I went on a serious weight loss diet and slimmed my entire body. I was nervous at first, but the staff were kind and helpful, giving me lots of advice, so I was able to do it without any pain. The three months went by in a blink of an eye. I was able to lose more weight than my goal, I was able to wear pants that I couldn't wear anymore, and my body felt better, so I'm really grateful. I'll do my best to keep it this way. -
武田花穂産後の骨盤矯正をしてもらいました。子供の抱っこで背中や腰が痛かったのですが、施術をうけてスッキリ。一緒の部屋でスタッフさんが子供を見てくれて助かります。 ママ友にお勧めしたいと思います。 (Translate...産後の骨盤矯正をしてもらいました。子供の抱っこで背中や腰が痛かったのですが、施術をうけてスッキリ。一緒の部屋でスタッフさんが子供を見てくれて助かります。
(Translated by Google)
I had my pelvis corrected after giving birth. I used to have pain in my back and lower back from holding my child, but after receiving the treatment I feel much better. It's helpful to have the staff watch my child in the same room as me.
I would like to recommend it to my mom friends. -
(Translated by Google)
I was able to successfully lose weight thanks to the Narimiya diet. I'm so happy that I can now wear pants that I couldn't wear after giving birth. Currently, I am maintaining my body shape by taking Esthe Pro Labo enzymes that I purchased at an osteopathic clinic, but I am also interested in other supplements. We look forward to your continued support. -
(Translated by Google)
I went on a beauty diet for the summer, and I was surprised that the results were better than I expected. The staff are all friendly and the space is comfortable. Since they carry Pro Labo products, I would like to try the enzyme drink next time. -
上林さき子足首の捻挫を治していただきました。 (Translated by Google) I had my ankle sprain healed.足首の捻挫を治していただきました。
(Translated by Google)
I had my ankle sprain healed. -
s n脱毛でお世話になってます。 対応も良く、毛が少なくなっているのを実感しており、満足してます。 (Translated by Google) Thank you for your help with hair removal. The treatment is good, and I can feel ...脱毛でお世話になってます。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for your help with hair removal.
The treatment is good, and I can feel that my hair is decreasing, so I am satisfied. -
介洋洋介キレイで清潔感のある整骨院です。 オススメです! (Translated by Google) This is a beautiful and clean osteopathic clinic. Recommended!キレイで清潔感のある整骨院です。
(Translated by Google)
This is a beautiful and clean osteopathic clinic.
Recommended! -
小田麻美子いつも院長先生に施術してもらってます! 肩や腰が痛く週に2、3回通っています。 スタッフの方々は丁寧に対応して下さり感謝しています☺︎ アットホームでとても行きやすいです♡ (Translated by Google) I always...いつも院長先生に施術してもらってます!
(Translated by Google)
I always have my treatment performed by the director!
I go there two or three times a week because of shoulder and lower back pain.
I would like to thank the staff for their courteous response☺︎
It feels like home and is very easy to get to ♡ -
ゆうすけ1月に急性腰痛が発症し、それ以来お世話になっています。 これまでも慢性的な痛みがあり、いろんな整骨院に通いましたが、なかなか改善されず、それがこの2ヶ月で嘘みたいに良くなりました。 丁寧なカウンセリン...1月に急性腰痛が発症し、それ以来お世話になっています。
(Translated by Google)
I developed acute lower back pain in January, and I have been taking care of you ever since.
I have always had chronic pain and went to various osteopathic clinics, but it never got better, but over the past two months it has gotten better.
I am very satisfied with the careful counseling, the accurate treatment given by the director, and the excellent treatment of the other doctors as well. Also, the staff are friendly and I feel like this is an easy-to-go osteopathic clinic. We also handle traffic accident cases, so if anyone around me is looking for an osteopathic clinic, I will definitely recommend them! Recommended. -
西野伸子長年のお付き合いをさせていただいてます。 毎日のお疲れをいやしていただいてます。 (Translated by Google) We have been working together for many years. It heals my daily fatigue.長年のお付き合いをさせていただいてます。
(Translated by Google)
We have been working together for many years.
It heals my daily fatigue. -
Chan Koiいつもお世話になってます。 鍼灸部門も美容部門も親切な方ばかりでとてもありがたいです。 (Translated by Google) Thank you for your continued support. I am very grateful that both the acupuncture and ...いつもお世話になってます。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for your continued support.
I am very grateful that both the acupuncture and beauty departments are so kind. -
中村由美腰痛から通ってます。治療して頂いた後は、身体が軽くなり、腰痛も楽に成ります。これからも、通い続けたいです。 (Translated by Google) I go here because of lower back pain. After the treatment, you wil...腰痛から通ってます。治療して頂いた後は、身体が軽くなり、腰痛も楽に成ります。これからも、通い続けたいです。
(Translated by Google)
I go here because of lower back pain. After the treatment, you will feel lighter and your back pain will be relieved. I would like to continue coming here. -
河部茂代いつも笑顔で迎えてくれて 的確に治療してくれて 長年悩んでいた五十肩を治してもらって感謝してます。 (Translated by Google) Always greeted me with a smile Treated me properly I am grateful that my fro...いつも笑顔で迎えてくれて
(Translated by Google)
Always greeted me with a smile
Treated me properly
I am grateful that my frozen shoulder, which had been bothering me for many years, was cured. -
ykn tランニングで痛めた足やギックリ腰になった際、また日々の疲労からくる腰痛や肩凝り、すべてのメンテナンスでお世話になっています。痛みへのアプローチが的確でいつも流石だなと思いながら施術を受けています。...ランニングで痛めた足やギックリ腰になった際、また日々の疲労からくる腰痛や肩凝り、すべてのメンテナンスでお世話になっています。痛みへのアプローチが的確でいつも流石だなと思いながら施術を受けています。終わった後はいつもスッキリ回復していっているのが分かります。
(Translated by Google)
We take care of all your maintenance needs, including when you have injured your legs from running or have a strained back, or when you have lower back pain or stiff shoulders from daily fatigue. I always feel that his approach to pain is accurate and amazing, and that I am receiving treatment. I always feel refreshed and recovered after the session.
All the staff are kind and the teachers are wonderful and I enjoy coming to school.
And the store is also clean and beautiful. It's a comfortable space. I'm also interested in the beauty menu on the second floor, so I'd like to use it again to treat myself. -
H M建物もすごく綺麗でオシャレで、スタッフさんも皆さん気さくで居心地がすごく良いです。 エステサロンのような個室なのですごくリラックスできます。 (Translated by Google) The building is very beautiful an...建物もすごく綺麗でオシャレで、スタッフさんも皆さん気さくで居心地がすごく良いです。
(Translated by Google)
The building is very beautiful and stylish, and the staff are all friendly and make you feel comfortable.
It's a private room like a beauty salon, so you can really relax. -
Ta脱毛をしてます 痛みが少なくて安心です☺️ (Translated by Google) I am removing hair There is less pain and it is safe ☺️脱毛をしてます
(Translated by Google)
I am removing hair
There is less pain and it is safe ☺️ -
こまり1階整骨院にて、お世話になっています。 慢性腰痛があり、ぎっくり腰も何年もくせになっていたところ、こちらに通い始めました。 施術&電気でしっかりメンテナンスいただいているおかげもあってか、最近は急性腰...1階整骨院にて、お世話になっています。
(Translated by Google)
I am being cared for at the osteopathic clinic on the 1st floor.
I started going here because I had chronic lower back pain and had been suffering from a strained back for many years.
I haven't had any acute lower back pain lately, probably because I've been properly maintained with treatments and electricity.
We not only treat back pain, but also consult with you about your physical condition at the time.
When I was suffering from stiff shoulders that led to headaches, my stiff shoulders felt so much better after the treatment that I wished I had made an appointment right away instead of waiting for my next appointment.
The director's talk is interesting, the staff are all very pleasant, and I feel refreshed after the treatment, so I always feel comfortable coming here. -
(Translated by Google)
I've been going here for over 10 years. It's a wonderful osteopathic clinic where the doctors are very responsive and the clinic has a homey atmosphere that makes me want to come back again. He will massage your stiff body using all of your strength. My body feels relaxed and I am able to continue playing sports without pain. -
川南佑香美容サロンでいつもお世話になってます 丁寧な対応で通いやすいです(^-^) キレイでおしゃれ☆ これからもメンテナンスに利用します(*´∀`) (Translated by Google) I always take care of you at the beauty salo...美容サロンでいつもお世話になってます
(Translated by Google)
I always take care of you at the beauty salon.
It's easy to get around with polite service (^-^)
Beautiful and stylish ☆
I will continue to use it for maintenance (*´∀`) -
今居由美子以前、交通事故の治療をしてもらいました。酷いむち打ちでしたが、とても楽にしてもらいました。保険会社との対応もきちんとやってもらって助かりました。 (Translated by Google) Previously, I received treat...以前、交通事故の治療をしてもらいました。酷いむち打ちでしたが、とても楽にしてもらいました。保険会社との対応もきちんとやってもらって助かりました。
(Translated by Google)
Previously, I received treatment for a traffic accident. It was a severe caning, but they made it very easy for me. They also helped me by dealing with the insurance company properly. -
久保田信子整骨院に通っています。身体のメンテナンスにぴったり(^_^)/痛みも無くなり結果が出ます! (Translated by Google) I go to an osteopathic clinic. Perfect for body maintenance (^_^)/ Pain will disappear a...整骨院に通っています。身体のメンテナンスにぴったり(^_^)/痛みも無くなり結果が出ます!
(Translated by Google)
I go to an osteopathic clinic. Perfect for body maintenance (^_^)/ Pain will disappear and you will see results! -
(Translated by Google)
When I was suffering from sciatica and visiting various hospitals and orthopedic clinics without getting any stable improvement, this signboard suddenly caught my eye. Over the past year, my sciatica and stiff lower back have disappeared, and my daily life has become much easier as my use of corsets has decreased dramatically. The staff at the orthopedic clinic were also nice and kind, and I liked the fact that I could make an appointment without waiting. This is a recommended orthopedic clinic ♪ -
Non1Fは整骨院、2階は美容サロン。どちらも利用した事があります。スタッフさんが親切・丁寧‼︎ アットホームな感じなので自分の身体の気になる事を相談しやすいです。 2Fは数回の利用ですが,清潔感があり、落ち着い...1Fは整骨院、2階は美容サロン。どちらも利用した事があります。スタッフさんが親切・丁寧‼︎ アットホームな感じなので自分の身体の気になる事を相談しやすいです。
(Translated by Google)
The first floor is an osteopathic clinic, and the second floor is a beauty salon. I have used both. The staff is kind and polite! ︎ It's a homey feeling, so it's easy to talk about any concerns you have about your body.
The 2nd floor has only been used a few times, but it is a clean and stylish space with calm tones. When I received the treatment there, I felt relaxed and healed. I think it would be a good idea to use the Hot Pepper Beauty coupon and try it out first.
I've been coming once a week for almost two years now, thinking that I'm able to get some work and housework done because I'm relaxing from everyday life on the 1st floor. It's pretty well done lol
It's a problem if it becomes difficult to make a reservation, but I highly recommend it. -
中島かおり整骨院でお世話になっています 施術は丁寧ですし予約時間に待たされる事も無く快適です。 院内の雰囲気も明るくスタッフの皆さん気さくな方ばかりなので通いやすいです♪ (Translated by Google) I am being care...整骨院でお世話になっています
(Translated by Google)
I am being cared for at an osteopathic clinic.
The treatments are thorough and comfortable, with no waiting time for your appointment.
The atmosphere in the clinic is bright and the staff are all friendly, so it's easy to visit. -
(Translated by Google)
After undergoing treatment at an osteopathic clinic, my physical condition improved considerably. The staff provided kind and courteous service, and I was able to see the effects of the treatment. However, it was a little inconvenient that it was difficult to make a reservation. Other than that, I'm satisfied, so my rating is 4 stars. -
tellme H前から気になってた成宮さん。 初めて利用させてもらいましたが、新しく綺麗な建物で、院長先生やスタッフさんみなさん穏やかで明るい雰囲気。 お顔のハイフを受けましたが、山田さんに担当していただいたのです...前から気になってた成宮さん。
(Translated by Google)
Narumiya-san has been interested in me for a while.
This was my first time using the facility, and it was a new, clean building, with a calm and bright atmosphere from the director and all the staff.
I had a facial treatment done by Mr. Yamada, who was very thorough in his explanations and treatment, and we had a lot of fun chatting with him.
I heard that cosmetic treatments are a little weaker than medical treatments, but when I looked in the mirror after the treatment, my jaw area felt refreshed.
I will definitely use them again. -
こつん初めてハイフを受けたのですが、目に見えて引き締まる効果が見れてびっくりしました!特に顎の下のたるみがとれて、スッキリしました^^ これからも続けていきたいです。 店内もとても綺麗で素敵な空間。快適に...初めてハイフを受けたのですが、目に見えて引き締まる効果が見れてびっくりしました!特に顎の下のたるみがとれて、スッキリしました^^
(Translated by Google)
This was my first time receiving HYF, and I was surprised to see a visible tightening effect! I especially felt refreshed by getting rid of the sagging skin under my chin.
I want to continue doing this.
The inside of the store is also very clean and has a nice space. You can spend your time comfortably. -
どとうのひつじとても綺麗な外装内装で気持ち良い空間です。 整骨院では丁寧に説明してもらえて安心して施術が受けられます。 またスタッフさん達の対応も明るく非常にリラックスできました。 美容部門もされており綺麗になり...とても綺麗な外装内装で気持ち良い空間です。
(Translated by Google)
It's a comfortable space with a very beautiful interior and exterior.
At the osteopathic clinic, you will receive detailed explanations and you can receive the treatment with peace of mind.
Also, the staff's response was cheerful and made me feel very relaxed.
They also have a beauty department, so if you want to look beautiful, please come check it out! -
ナベゾウナベゾウよかったよ! (Translated by Google) Good!よかったよ!
(Translated by Google)
Good! -
(Translated by Google)
I always take care of myself at the osteopathic clinic. This time, I had the opportunity to try out the beauty products that I was interested in. I could really feel the tightening effect during the treatment. I would like to continue to do my best and practice. We look forward to working with you in the future. Thank you very much. -
(Translated by Google)
The other day, I had my face and body lifted. My skin felt smooth and refreshed the next day❗️I was surprised at how effective it was at making my face look smaller. I also use the cosmetics sold there, and since I started using them, I can see that my skin has improved ♡
I'd like to take some light photos next time too~
Please do so at that time❗️ -
(Translated by Google)
This time, I experienced the Narimiya style beauty diet high. I'm very happy with the results! The treatment was thorough and took place in a relaxing atmosphere. The staff were kind and provided good care before and after the treatment. -
64スーパー2年ほどお世話になってます。 2人の先生とスタッフの皆さんの対応が良い所です。 (Translated by Google) I have been working with you for about two years. It is a place where the two teachers and all ...2年ほどお世話になってます。
(Translated by Google)
I have been working with you for about two years.
It is a place where the two teachers and all the staff are very responsive. -
GAKU普通に良い。 (Translated by Google) Generally good.普通に良い。
(Translated by Google)
Generally good. -